Human, Janati

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Physical Description

Brown to ebony skin, hair ranging from dusty red to mahogany. Average height and weight.


The Janati live in various types of habitats throughout the Blood Desert. Some live in camps in a nomadic lifestyle, others live in converted cave networks made to be comfortable or in old ruins found out in the desert.


The capital of the Janati - Jantuwyn - is located West of Ra'azum along the Bay of Londfolas. It is the old ruins of an elven city gone empty long ago during "The Colonizing". Its location, equally distant from Ra'azum and Tawar-Nur, made it uninteresting for those wishing to take up shop around the glorious remains of the Dol Londfolas castle.


It is said when man and gnome came to Elwindil and infiltrated the lands, the Janati were brought along as low-wage workers and expendable troops. Many died during the fighting days of The Colonizing. When the war had come to an end, the Janati were looking for their own place within the new society they had built. Their overlords wanted to keep everything to themselves and would only provide the Janati with the leftovers: shacks, the lowest wages, or servitude. As a free people, they determined that they no longer had need of the Efrishar humans who brought them here. The Janati, unknown to the Efrishar, determined that they would all leave, together, and out into the Blood Desert.

On Ra'azum Founders Day of the following year, the Janati made their exit. The Efrishar, in a word, panicked. They depended on the Janati for so much, including their willingness to work for low wages, and the great care the Janati took in raising the Efrishar's families as nannies, nurses, butlers, and cooks. What they saw that morning shook them as almost all of the Janati of Ra'azum gathered on the Boulevard of Titans from their shanty town outside of the city walls with horses, camels, and wagons. Altogether, man, woman, child, livestock, households. The great train left very early on that high day of Ra'azum Founders Day without a single word of explanation from the Janati who left with it. A long, silent train of focused people all together made their dramatic exit that day, even as the Efrishar followed them, begging them to stay, demanding they return to their jobs, or even physically attacking them.

It was unknown to the people of Ra'azum what would become of the Janati, and many suffered as they cast out into the desert looking for a new home. The elven city they found was crumbling with age when they arrived. The suspicious among them suspected that it must be haunted with evil for so many to have left. The Janati raised the city to a new height the years following, repairing structures, upgrading the infrastructure, and even developing magical improvements to the running of the city and its security. Jantuwyn was safe and functioning, and it was their own.