
From Elwindil
Revision as of 20:14, 14 February 2021 by DungeonMaster (talk | contribs)
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Alignment Chaotic Good
Divine Rank Greater God
Pantheon Nordmark
Portfolio War, Chaos, Destruction, Nature, Farming, Drinking and Brewing
Domains War Domain, Chaos Domain, Destruction Domain, Plant Domain, Strength Domain, Protection Domain
Home Plane
Worshippers Nordmark Humans and Gnomes, Farmers, Druids, Warriors
Favored Weapon Hammer or Flail


Haukinn is the god of the land and the people of the land. He watches over those who worship him as well as their farms and livelihoods. Should anyone try to take advantage of those who follow him, he comes after them with great wrath and furious anger. Warriors who follow him are known to be excellent in war, but to also be incredibly destructive against the people conquered. Their goal is more about destroying everything you own to cause suffering in those who are against them than to kill.


Most worshippers are salt of the earth kind of people and the warriors that protect them.


The Cult of Haukinn seek to strengthen those artisans and farmers that they can help, and to help fortify villages. The clergy are known to be helpful when they can be. They have also been known to take up causes against lords and generals if those under their power are taken advantage of.