Greygloom Swamp

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Borders:: Tarnwic, Lake Grey, Castle Summerland Greygloom Swamp is a swamp on the East side of Lake Grey. It begins by the Greystrand Inn and extends around the northeast side of the lake.


Wandering bandit family near the Greygloom Swamps

The Road to Tyr runs through the Greygloom Swamp from Tarnwic to the County of Tyr capital, Tyr-in-the-Thistle-by-the-Sea.

Lately, there have been many robberies along the road by the Chooba-Hoobas.

Greygloom Glum is a goblin village out in the swamp. It is situated on a dry land hammock. It is inhabited by 30 goblins and five goblin dogs. Five goblin fighters act as security, though there is hardly any call for them.

Their source of food is the lake, where they walk out large nets to pull in what they can. They also grow what they can in mounds planted in a single clearing near the village. The clearing is surrounded by a small wooden fence.

In the village, the goblins live in small round houses. In the center of the village, a larger round house can be found where the entire village gathers for rituals, stories, and leader meetings.

They will willingly trade with anyone. Mostly, they have food they can sell, though not a lot. They will also sell jewelry and furs.

A brood of hydras can be found deep in the swamps. They live off of the lake, eating fish, crocodiles, and the occasional goblin or traveler.