Human, Efrishar

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Physical Description

Skin tones are generally between a light, cream color, to olive, to a chocolate brown. Hair colors are often dark with the usual being black. Average height and weight.


The Efrishar live in the well-appointed cities and settlements of the Kingdom of Yngoldis.


The capital of the Efrishar - Ra'azum - is located on the southeastern point of the Kingdom of Yngoldis, on the Bay of Londfolas. It was the original location of the elven capital Dol Londfolas.


It is said when man and gnome came to Elwindil and infiltrated the lands, the Efrishar travelled along the southern portions of the continent and were one of the first to discover Elwindil. Their ships scoured the oceans surrounding Elwindil looking for a suitable home with good resources and a feeling of home. The Blood Desert on the Bay of Londfolas proved to be exactly what they wanted.

When they came to settle the lands, the Efrishar did not come alone. They brought with them the Janati, an ebony-skinned tribe that lived near to them in the old lands and which they often paid as workers and soldiers in their armies. They also brought along with them a small cohort of gnomes that lived among them, their technical aspirations piqued when they heard of the land of precious metals. For the gnomes, this could provide them the raw materials needed to create artifacts for the Efrishar. The Efrishar ruled over both the Janati and the gnomes as the aristocrats and rulers of their society. They were expected to do the bidding of the Efrishar rulers and accept the payment they received for their work without complaint.

A few years after the founding of Ra'azum, the Janati almost completely deserted the Efrishar, leaving into the desert to find their own home.

The gnomes, who called themselves the Efrishinisti after their "masters", stayed behind and performed the work that interested them as well as working for the betterment of Ra'azum.

The Efrishar have since continued to flourish and have become one of the dominant races in the Kingdom of Yngoldis, known for their wealth, luxury, and well-appointed cities. They have a rich history and culture and are considered to be one of the most advanced civilizations in Elwindil. The Efrishar are also known for their trade, commerce, and industry, and their ships and caravans can be found traveling the world, bringing goods and wealth to their capital city of Ra'azum. They are proud of their heritage and maintain a strong military to protect their interests and maintain their position as one of the leading nations in Elwindil.