Category:Ciryntyll Islands
The Ciryntyll Islands are south of Ra'azum. They are mostly inhabited by Aquatic Elves. (Aquatic like the polynesians are aquatic.)
They don't worship Behamut. He is a god of the invaders and is actually a god from the stars. Their goddess is Viasaatari, Ocean Mother. She is fiercely protective and provides bountiful foods. Her sister is Pokaatari, Earth Mother. Viasaatari's husband is the god, Moon Father. Pokaatari's husband is the sun god. Viasaatari is really theit main diety as most people's lives revolve around the sea.
To the south of the islands is the open ocean. There are some floating platform villages there. There are ship travellers and ship dwellers.
The seawolves are the orcas. They are ridden by a special few professionally, but everyone can be their friends, make a hobby of it, etc. They are very accessible though many so not get too involved.
People have magic items of underwater breathing. Some choose to be underwater for the max time.
The seawolves have special underwater homes that elves have provided to them. They are really just designated spots where elves can share things with their favorite seawolves and orcas.
Pages in category "Ciryntyll Islands"
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