Pokaatari - Earth Mother

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"Earth Mother"

Her sister is Viasaatari, Ocean Mother. Pokaatari's husband Jamitori is the sun god.

Pokaatari is considered the Earth Mother and is worshipped by those who rely on the land for their livelihoods such as farmers, gardeners, and those who live in close connection with nature. She is seen as a nurturing and sustaining force, providing sustenance and protection to her followers. The goddess of the earth, she is believed to bring forth life from the soil and provide abundance to her followers.

She is worshipped in many forms, with her followers often praying to her for fertility, good harvest, and protection from natural disasters. The Cult of Pokaatari is centered in the rural areas and is often led by the local priests and priestesses. These leaders are often respected members of the community, and their word carries weight in the local affairs.