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Sara was paid to stay the night at the Frog and Toad by Rose. She left in the morning.

The group came down to the main room of the Frog and Toad after being called down by Cyne for "Guild Business." They met Tangu Asissi, who had with him Jax Goldsby, their newest member. After they met, Tangu went through The Door - the secret door behind the bar that sometimes Cyne goes into.

Jax joined the group upstairs and saw the guard and met Sara upstairs.

Rose went downstairs and waited for an opportunity to sneak into The Door. She unlocked it and unarmed a trap (rolled a 20) and snuck upstairs. It had thick carpets, red velvet pillows and decorative animal skins hanging on the wall. Candles lit the room and a fireplace was lit and popping. Nobody was in the room and she left before anyone came and discovered her.

The next morning, the guard that they captured last episode was put to sleep and set in the closet again. Kutaku asked him if he wanted to take the sleeping potion peacefully or did he want to fight. The guard agreed but then lunged at Kutaku and sank his teeth into his neck. Woofie attacked and Adarra came to his help, and they managed to get him off of Kutaku, but he was left with a large, bruised, red bite mark on his neck.

Meanwhile, Jax and Rose had gone downstairs and discussed their plans for future activities together, a fencing operation where she steals and he sells.

A troop of dwarven miners came in and ordered ale and whisky. They told a story of how they were mining and managed to bust through to a different tunnel system that had zombies. Reordan Earkenwine said he lost his brother.

Justice Lightbringer burst through the door screaming about finding Sara and how they had to help him find her. He went up the stairs and found the group in the room with the guard again. They convinced him to go down and talk to the dwarves about helping them, and how it should make them feel better and him better about Sara. So, he left to talk to them. They prepared to go investigate the tunnel in the mine, leaving Rose to lock up. She decided to not only not lock up anything, but left the closet open with the guard, and the door to the room open.

By the time they came downstairs, Justice was promising to help the dwarves and to check out the mine south of Vog Raaz. They left to investigate and got to the mine and found that at the end of the mine, there was an ancient corridor running perpendicular to the mine. They searched through and definitely found zombies. They fought the zombies, with Justice literally obliterating them all at every turn.

Eventually, Rose mentioned finding Sara again and Justice remembered that he needed to return to searching for her and left the group, even though they tried to convince him she might still be down there (too many failed bluffs). He convinced Reordan to leave with him. Both left. The party determined they should return to the tavern where the guard was left. Rose told them at that point what she had done (leaving everything opened up for the guard) to try to convince them to stay in the underground corridor. When they found out what she had done, they insisted they had to return to the tavern to find out if he was even still there as he was their key to getting paid by the king's men for their information on zombies in the Castle District.

When they returned, they found the guard was indeed gone.

Each Player: 800 XP