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Previous: 2020-12-07

  • Adarra and Rose got kicked out of the Temple of Behamut
  • Jax and Kutaku went to meet the priestess of Viasentari
  • Jax and Kutaku were told to meet the leader of the Temple of Dagon
  • Jax given a disguise of a black robe of Dagon
  • Rose and Adarra were by the pool. Rose was naked in the pool. An old man came out to help them.
  • Jax and Kutaku arrived at the pool and went to talk to the leader of the Temple of Dagon - same man that was helping Rose and Adarra
  • The old man told them of how Dagon was worshipped by the Efrishar long before they came to Elwindil. When they came to this land, they met the Deep Ones, who told them that Dagon was their Sea King but Behamut was their god
  • Old man (they don't know his name yet) told them they should leave immediately and sent them outside
  • Three deep ones appeared. They spoke in their croaking language and threw off their robes. Adarra and Kutaku were eventually terrified and ran away from them
  • Jax shot them with flaming spheres and magic missiles. Rose shot at them. Eventually, they were able to kill all three
  • They tried knocking on the temple door but the old man wouldn't let them in, just told them they needed to run
  • They left. Jax and Kutaku rode the wagon back to the frog and toad. Adarra ran behind them and caught up. Rose hid and waited for the coast to be clear.
  • Rose left to go back and noticed that more hooded, robed figures were around. She followed one to a tavern
  • Back at the Frog and Toad, Cyne warned them that they were attracting too much attention
  • Rose made it to the Frog and Toad and told them how she followed a hooded figure to a tavern in the East Market District and marked the tavern
  • Rose, Jax, and Kutaku went to find the tavern and see who that figure was
  • Adarra decided they needed help from Justice. She went to the Raven's Roost to find him, showed him one of the Deep Ones
  • Justice recognized it and immediately joined her. Justice threw it in the trash pile outside the tavern and they went to find the others in the East Market District
  • When they found each other, Justice took them to hide in the Temple of Sowila
  • Justice took them up to the top of a tower and showed them all around. They can see into the District of Behamut and even out into the desert
  • They discussed the plan Kutaku had for attacking the District of the Temple of Behamut. Justice thought the plan might not be good. He pointed out all the troops in the district including constructs and hooded figures along with the soldiers. And he said there was more.
  • Kutaku told him that they had dragons to help and asked if it would help if Justice met the dragon. Justice was skeptical because both dragons are chromatic instead of metallic. But in the end he agreed to meet with him. Question is, will Justice attack the dragon?
  • Jax contacted Jabindakuul to let him know that they were bringing someone to meet him. He got no response from Jabindakuul. Adarra thought he might be dead.