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  • The party arrived in Darwyn and stayed overnight
  • Next day, Lulu was found in the town as she exited her wagon. Guards were there to see her.
  • Symph used his diplomacy to talk the guards into letting Lulu stay instead of throwing her out immediately
  • More guards were called, Lulu was told to be gone by sundown. Guards were sent to follow her.
  • Dieysa went down and ordered breakfast
  • Tidas joined Dieysa and tried to order breakfast. Guards were called on him and told to follow him
  • Tidas was told to be gone from town by sundown.
  • On the way out of town, Tidas tried to buy a weapon. Symph went with Tidas to help
  • Tidas was eventually charged 20gp for a small-sized ornate greatclub as Symph laughed at the upcharge
  • Party left town and guards remained at the border
  • As party went down trail, they found a large bear who they went around to continue moving
  • Bear followed. Tidas waved at him and the bear roared back
  • Tidas suggested he was smart, so Symph started talking to him as he sat on Tidas' head playing music
  • Tidas lifted Symph up from sitting on his head
  • Bear answered, telling them his name was Fisher and he was very happy to meet them and wanted them to know about the golbins that were attacking Wisdin and would they please come help these people and maybe on the way they could come visit his cave and see how great of a swimmer he is and how great his cave is and wow is it nice to meet someone else as it's been a long time since he talked to anyone and Tidas is so wonderful, he reminds him of the druid Ardolas who awakened him after he saved him from a pack of wolves
  • They went to the cave and saw it, then Fisher tossed fish he caught at them
  • Fisher took Dieysa over the river. Tidas swam across himself. Symph flew across.
  • Lulu took a ride across on Fisher as he offered. He asked her if she wanted to see the bottom of the river and she said she would.
  • Fisher took her down to the bottom where she saw a shiny short sword. She grabbed the short sword and took it with her
  • Once across the river, they went down the trail where they caught a glimpse of goblins lying in wait
  • They attacked the goblins and they returned fire
  • Symph played ghost sounds and bluffed that they were more people they had with their party, scaring the goblins back five feet
  • Goblins threw javelins at the tall human, and once he left the trail, they launched them at Fisher
  • Fisher was injured but charged at the goblins
  • Lulu went through the woods to gain a good vantage point and fired at one of the goblins, killing it instantly with her bow
  • Tidas went through the woods to attack. A goblin noticed him approaching and ran toward him. As soon as the goblin was in range, Tidas attacked, killing it instantly
  • Dieysa stayed back and launched arrows at the goblins, killing one
  • Fisher, very injured, rose up on his hind legs, hauled back his paw and swiped across the bugbear's face, removing his face and front of his skull, killing him instantly
  • The party finished off the rest of the goblins
  • Tidas healed Fisher. Fisher took Tidas and Dieysa back to his cave so they could rest.
  • Lulu and Symph followed the instructions to where the goblins had their encampment
  • Symph played music to help them move and hide better, but one of the hobgoblins heard it
  • They turned to see Symph playing his instrument loudly, declaring himself their "DJ for the night" and flew up, spinning shooting strobe lights out
  • One of the Bugbears pointed at Symph and shouted, "Kill him!"