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Previous: 2021-12-31

The group stood in front of the tower and Rose decided she wanted to help Justice Lightbringer. She went up to him and offered her bow to help. He gladly accepted and she hopped up behind him on the horse. Adarra decided to go to the prison in the castle. - she fought her way through some guards and managed to slip and juke her way through the troops of Sowila - she emerged at the gate between the line of the Temples of Sowila and Behamut - she immediately leaped to the wall Kutaku decided to creep his and Woofie's way through the Temple District - as he was crossing, he noticed Adarra fighting her way through the guards at the gate - he shouted and pointed at her - guards around her was distracted and she was able to slip through - he arrived at the Temple of Viasataari and was allowed in - he met a knight there who agreed to train him - he took him to the back of the temple area where a jousting target was - Kutaku took up the lance and began practice after the knight described what to do - he eventually managed to land a lance on the target - the knight told him he needed to do it 100 times so he continued practicing Jax noticed that Adarra had gone missing. He figured she went to the way of the castle and went to follow - he went to follow to help her - he called Rose and Haleli to go with him after Adarra - the group pressed against the crowd to get to the gate - when stopped, Jax talked to the guard and told them where they were going and convinced the guard to clear the way for them - once on the other side of the fence, they found Adarra Adarra fell from the wall and took up an aggressive stance. Behamut temple guards advanced on them with spears. All of them slipped around the wall back to the Temple District side. - Rose sat in the middle of the road but then decided to climb up the wall on the other side - she got up to the top where there were guards and shot an arrow with a rope down to Haleli - Haleli got upp to the top also - guard shouting down Intruder on the Wall! - INITIATIVE ROLLED - FIGHT IN PROGRESS

Jax decided to after Adarra to see if he could save her. He went south, following her out the gate she took out into the South Market. He passed by troops from the Temple of Sowila who told him he had no idea where she went. He followed through the city, looking for Adarra. Rounding one corner, he came face to face with Behamut guards looking for trouble. They advanced on him, but not before he took two of them out with a lightning bolt. As the others apprached, he cast dual flaming spheres and used them to eventually take out the rest of the guards. He was very injured in the fight, however. - STOPPING POINT

Adarra left with the thought in mind of going to the castle and finding someone there who was an Ur priest or knew of an Ur priest. She decided after trying her run through the Temple of Behamut District that she would go around the other way. The first two districts were full of Sowila troops, but after, things turned much worse. At one point, she found himself between zombies and Behamut guards. She managed to escape by running toward the Behamut guards screaming for help. They parted and let her through. After, another troop of Behamut guards saw her and pursued her. An old woman told her to turn down an ally, which she decided to do, trusting the old woman. When they came to her dwelling at the end of the ally, the old woman told her about how she was an Ur-Priest and could teach her, too. - STOPPING POINT