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Catfolk have lived in elven domain of Eryn Dur since time immemorial. They enjoy urban areas so have moved out to live in the cities of many races.

Catfolk are a feline-like race that are known for their agility, charisma, and independence. They are highly social and enjoy being around others, but also value their personal freedom.

In appearance, catfolk have fur-covered bodies, long tails, and feline features such as pointed ears and retractable claws. They are often seen as charming and charismatic, and their natural charisma and agility makes them popular in the entertainment industry.

The catfolk of Eryn Dur are known for their love of luxury and fine living. They are often found in the more upscale areas of the cities, where they can be seen enjoying the finer things in life.

Despite their love of luxury, the catfolk of Eryn Dur are also known for their fierce independence and their refusal to be tied down by the rules and restrictions of others. This has made them popular among travelers and adventurers, who appreciate their companionship and their ability to handle themselves in dangerous situations.

Catfolk - Pathfinder