City-State of Myrkrond

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The City-State of Myrkrond is a thriving, sprawling city a few miles into The Underground entrance known as the Gates of Myrkrond. The city is ruled by an oligarchy of the residents of The Underground who have business interests, including drow, duergar, and hobwoses.

The Council of Myrkrond is in a constant state of upheaval, politically, as the members are often trying to be supplanted by those who wish to be on the council, or killed by rivals, or targeted by each other. The strict rule for the Council is that there must be three members from each of the races represented. While council members would not change that often because they are the top of large families and organizations, in-fighting and out-fighting, including diplomatic maneuvering to outright assassinations are common in the lower levels. If anything should happen to a council member, there would likely be all-out war, where all parties involved would seek out and destroy the ones who murdered the council member. For this to come to pass, the parties would have to be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what happened.

Myrkrond is lit to the level of the last glow of light before sundown. Visitors are encouraged to bring a candle should they need it, but are also expected to shield the light from others out of respect to visitor's night vision and the residents' comfort level.

The Mykrond Marketplace is where exotic weapons, clothing, food, spices, and drinks can be found. The Underground residents are interested in items from the outside that tend toward the pungent, bitter, and sour, but certain sweet beverages are their favorites. They enjoy the artistic expressions found in clothing and weapons from the far south of the continent, such as Ra'azuum and the Ciryntill Islands. In the end, though, a buyer can be found for anything.