
From Elwindil
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Humans came to Elwindil from lands to the east of the continent over two hundred years ago.

Northmen: tribal warriors in the mountains and on the sea, they live in the Nuoril Mountains. They have more run ins with goblins than most. They have a trade relationship with the Drow.

Aen: humans of the Kingdom of Aen. They are closest in relationships with the gnomes

Yngoldians: humans of the Kingdom of Yngoldis. They depend heavily on the Bay of Londfolas for their livelihood.

  • Efrishar are the main inhabitants of the Kingdom of Yngoldis proper, and Ra'azum.
  • Janati are a dark-skinned culture of humans who originally arrived with the Efrishar but decided to leave as they were not treated as equals. They founded Jantuwyn, in a found ruin elven city on the Bay of Londfalas in the Blood Desert but also live throughout the desert.