Living Forest

From Elwindil
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A region of Eryn Dur

In Elwindil, the Living Forest is a vast, sprawling forest located in the northeast of the continent. It is home to the Eternal Realm of the Starmist Folk and is inhabited by various races including elves, hobbits, and other woodland creatures. The forest is known for its lush vegetation, towering trees, and diverse wildlife. The Starmist Folk have lived in harmony with the forest for centuries and have developed a deep connection with the natural world. The Living Forest is also a place of magic and mystery, and those who enter are often in awe of its beauty and power. Despite its peaceful appearance, the forest is also a place of danger and adventure, as many dangerous creatures and hidden secrets can be found within its borders. Overall, the Living Forest of Elwindil is a unique and magical place that holds a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants and visitors alike.