Ra'azum East Harbor District

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South of: The Wall Surrounding Ra'azum
North of: Bay of Londfolas
West of: Ra'azum Kasbah District
East of: Bay of Londfolas

The larger of the two harbours in Ra'azum, the East Harbor is the destination for the largest of ships and the most goods. Ferriers make good business all day every day and throughout the day moving cargo and people from the large ships in the harbor to the docks. The Harbor Guard is stationed from the East Harbor District and is in command and control of the entire harbor area, including security and tax collecting.

The Boulevard of Titans runs through the East Harbor District, from East to West, leading directly to the Kasbah District.

Notable Buildings

The following buildings can be found in Ra'azum East Harbor District:

  • Harbor Guard Barracks and Training
  • Harbor Guard Docks
  • The Ferrier Docks
  • Warehouses
  • Stables and livery drivers
  • Dive Restaurants and Bars