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Population: 40,000

Sections: Machinations Institute of Technology, Thaumaturgical College of Constructs, The Testing Grounds, Dwarftown (Vog Tyr) & Seaside-Dockside-Goodharbor

If the County of Tyr is known as a spectacular place, then Tyr-in-the-Thistle-by-the-Sea, the capital of the County of Tyr, is its spectacular spectacular. It is here where people come to see the greatest advancements of Constructs, the battles that show off their deadly resilience, and their everyday usage. It is here that people come to experience the strange delights of Seaside-Dockside-Goodharbor, with its boutique entertainment fit for any taste. It is here where you can find diversity and acceptance of any who come, even races you wouldn't expect to see in civilization.

It is also here where the County of Tyr began, and it remains the heart and soul of the realm. When the Lords of Aen decided to gift these lands to their longtime companions, the gnomes gathered on these shores and imagined the impossible: a true home for gnomes. From here, the county grew in every direction, from the oceanside to the Greygloom Swamp, and near the border of Eryn Dur down to the hills of Aen.


The people of Tyr-in-the-Thistle-by-the-Sea, as you might expect, are mostly gnomes. They run the entire County and would never have it any other way. Gnomes are also accepting of other looking for a home, as they themselves had not had a true homeland for many centuries. Humans live here, but also curious elves, goblins, Orcs, and halflings. Of course there are many dwarves, as well.

People who are likely to come here are those who want to achieve the highest mastery of many skills, dreamers with big ideas, and anyone seeking a life of peace, regardless of who they are.

Sections of the City

Machinations Institute of Technology

Machinations Institute of Technology.jpg

Creators of clockwork technologies. Thaumaturgical College of Constructs Creators of magical constructs and animators of objects.

The Testing Grounds

Where constructs are taken for try-outs. Dwarftown (Vog Tyr) A community of skilled dwarves, most originally from Vog Kuldor. Seaside-Dockside-Goodharbor The lower part of the city, where visitors from all over can be found.



MIT has lost one of its constructs. And by lost, they mean it ran away. This construct had some cutting edge, prototype technology that needs to be returned. TCC has scryed information about a group of "dark" elves (Nuz Golan) in their area. The vision came to them seemingly out of nowhere. They were able to tell that this group was watching the college and may be either planning an attack or a theft. The city guard and both construct organizations are seeking out the source of Rust Dust. TCC and MIT consider it "runaway technology" while the guard consider it a danger. A big match is planned on the testing grounds. At the match, one of the constructs "goes rogue", destroys the construct it is facing, then rampages through the crowds and then the city. A Dwarven caravan is looking for guards for an expedition into Eryn Dur for an attempt to open a new trade route between the Starmist Realm and the County of Tyr. They plan on bringing small constructs for trade.