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Previous: 2020-02-17

The party returned to the Frog and Toad Tavern to find that the guard was indeed gone. As they discussed their situation, they discovered that Rose the hobbit rogue had disappeared.

They decided that what they needed to do was to seek out Moffat sim Moffaron to discuss their findings, even though they no longer had the guard in their position. They returned to the castle and immediately went into the line into the castle. An old man with a scraggly beard, threadbare clothing and a strip of cloth around his head in the fashion of a turban came into line behind them. He placed his hand on Jax's shoulder and ask them if they want a secret way into the castle. Adarrah recognized him as Moffat in disguise and told everyone to follow him. He took them into the castle and into a large room with a desk where they discussed what they saw. He told them they needed to return to the house and perform a surgical strike on it, find out the source of the undead in the house and destroy what they find, but to save Farook ma'Faz as well, offering them an extra 500gp for his safe return. He also sent his two personal agents with the party to assist them.

The party cooked up a plan where Kutaku bought a wagon and hitched woofie up to it, placing several boxes on the wagon to make it look like they had inventory. Kutaku stayed hidden in the wagon and the rest rode on the wagon. They arrived at the palace of Farook and presented themselves at the gate, asking for admission where they could show Farook the wonderful things they had to sell them. The guard, unconvinced, told them they should seek out Farook's agents in the markets to sell their wares. Unbeknownst to the party, Farook ma'Faz arrived on his sedan chair behind them, demanding the wagon to be moved out of his way so he could enter. Adarrah told Farook off and continued speaking to the guards, then Commanded (spell) the guard to open the gates. The gates were flung open, and both the wagon and the sedan chair came inside. Adarrah convinced Jawaz, Farook's slave, that she needed to talk to Farook, that he was in grave danger. She told Farook that an evil entity was coming for him that night but that she could protect him.

Jawaz escorted her in, providing everything she needed to prepare herself. Meanwhile, Jax and Kotaku were outside with the two agents waiting for dark. Jax toured the grounds to judge reactions while Kotaku stayed hidden. As night drew nearer, Jax asked to speak to Adarrah to get her blessing for the night. The guards brought her out and he hatched a plan for her to look around, convince Farook to let them in, and get rid of Jawaz. She managed all of this, stuffing Jawaz into a chest, bringing the rest of the party into the house, and locking up the door behind them so no one from outside could come in.

Kotaku immediately went to Farook and threw a net over him, stuffed his mouth with cloth so he couldn't speak, wrapped him in a tarp and put him on Woofie. He joined the others, where Jax had found stairs down into a basement area. When they went down, there were three cultists and a strong skeleton warrior. They killed the cultists and Adarrah turned the skeleton. Three more cultists came down the stairs, and were soon defeated as well, with the incredibly strong skeleton warrior turned again as they couldn't defeat him easily. The agents told them that all of the guards were dead. The party finished off the skeleton warrior and they prepared to investigate the rest of the house.

Each Player: 1200xp