Tengu Asissi asked that the party go to the south side of Old Town in the Entertainment District to retrieve a special amulet.
Rufazi is a smuggler who runs from the old town area, going south to the shore and using lifts to get up and down to the shore with men and goods.
When the party arrived, Adarra went to speak to the people inside of the warehouse they found with Tengu's directions. She offered to tell them about a great misfortune that was soon to befall them, but they refused to listen.
Jax, at that point, lit two of the cranes sitting outside the warehouse on fire. At that point, the large, sliding doors to the warehouse opened and the men rushed out. The party each took turns in killing all of the men from the warehouse. Adarra also took time out to search the warehouse for the amulet. She detected magic and found an envelope with three feather tokens inside, all magical according to her spell.
After the warehouse workers were defeated and looted (copper coins and various packed lunches), Adarra gave the envelope with feathers to Kutaku. Jax offered to identify them. Kutaku took one feather and poked it into his hair over his ear and carried the envelope over to Jax. Jax identified one of them as a Swan Boat Feather Token. (A token that forms a swanlike boat capable of moving on water at a speed of 60 feet. It can carry eight horses and gear or thirty-two Medium characters or any equivalent combination. The boat lasts for one day.) He only had the one feather token left. Adarra demanded all of the feather tokens back, at which point Kutaku explained they should share them equally. Jax, not knowing what had happened and only that Kutaku had emerged from the warehouse with the envelope, kept his as well. Adarra attacked Jax with a Hold Person spell, which failed. She turned to Kutaku and cast Command on him, demanding he step back, which he did, backing to the warehouse wall. Adarra calmed down and kept the one feather Kutaku had given her.
Rose emerged from the warehouse, having found four chests to unlock, each of them having some form of Spice - the illegal drug of the land. She took all of the spice and pocketed it.
Kutaku returned into the warehouse to search for anything that might help and found envelopes with addresses on them: one for their current location, the other for a different location. He took both sets of envelopes with him.
After, the four of them left. Kutaku went in search of a magic shop, which of course he found in Ra'azum, the City of Gold. He asked for prices and shocked, left again.
Adarra went to the Temple of Sowila and donated all she had gathered during the raid on the smuggler's warehouse. Then, she went to the Cleric meditation area deep in the Temple area. A war cleric interrupted her meditations to ask if she had heard that the Blackpool Guard had been sent to Jantuwyn to "protect" them from the Blood Desert raiders they had encountered and collect taxes for the Kingdom of Yngoldis.
Rose and Jax went back to the Raven's Roost, fearing that guards would be looking for them at the Frog and Toad. Kutaku joined them eventually, and they all ordered food and drink from Sara. She sassily gave them what they asked for, taking much gold from Rose in the process. Justice Lightbringer came down from his room, quiet, sullen, greeting them with a brief "hello" and took a seat at the bar, where Sara took care of him with drink and food. He showed no interest in adventures or arenas, only wanting to stay at the Raven's Roost to watch over Sara. Sara, in her turn, seemed to appreciate him watching over her.
Sara looked at the addressed envelopes Kutaku brought with him from the warehouse and described where they could find the location in the Old Town area.
Experience: 1000 per person