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Previous: 2021-02-08

  • Started in the tower planning. Gorishnakaar posing as a guardian of Behamut idea. Adarra came up with an idea to stage the body and blame it on Jabindakuul.
  • Adarra went to the market to get a stone tablet and something to engrave it with. A shopkeeper was willing to trade her those things for repairing and polishing some intricate boots.
  • Rose went out to find the tavern in the East Market District. She didn't find it but found someone else in a black robe to follow. He went to the arena and joined a woman there to watch the arena fights. Rose left and followed someone else in a black robe to a tavern called the Wyld Stallion and marked the mark she had previously left, leaving a circle around the heart which surrounded the initials M + R.
  • Jax and Kutaku left to talk to Jabindakuul. They mounted Woofie and bounded through the town at top speed to shouts of "Slow Down!" and lept out at the harbor into the water to the cheers of the people. They surfaced briefly so Kutaku could chant to the audience "Oy! Oy! Oy!" The audience cheered and they left again.
  • Jax and Kutaku arrived at the outside sea entrance to the underground of Dol Londfolas. They entered and were stopped by the guardians. They spoke with the chieftain and chieftainess, who welcomed them back and brought them to the entrance to the tunnel to see Jabindakuul.
  • Jax and Kutaku spoke with Jabindakuul who verified he had received their message. He told them that he cannot speak to the other dragons, that he would at his own discretion and would let them know the answer. They mentioned the Deep Ones to the dragon. He seemed to be concerned that they were leaving their city in the deep ocean and wondered what drew them out.
  • Jax and Kutaku got back before Rose. She told them she found the tavern again.
  • Group info dumps. Long strategy talks. Group decides to invisibility sphere for Rose to drop body at Behamut district gate with the tablet stating it was Jabindakuul what did it.
  • Guards see the body of the Deep One and they call a captain over. A lot of activity happens that they observe. They rest.
  • At sunrise, they see that the Behamut District has prepared a wagon train leading out. Kutaku decides to hook up Woofie to the wagon so they can follow.
  • Rose watched from a tree as the wagon departed and timed to get into the underside of a wagon. She heard plans discussed, stating that they would need to take horses out and find the best spot for the fort.
  • Adarra ran along the rooftops, leaping from building to building. She noticed that Rose rolled out from under a wagon and into an alley. A guard chased after her. He stopped, not knowing where she went. Adarra lept down from the top of the building, landing on the guard and knocking him out with a single punch.
  • Jax sent word to Jabindakuul through his amulet that a wagon train was on the way toward him.