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Previous: 2021-02-15

  • Adarra interrogated the guard that she jumped down the roof off of three times, finding out that they were building a fort and they had night-gaunts in the crates, then threw him in the trash, tied up
  • Adarra informed Jax and Kutaku about that. Also they have to rescue Rose
  • Rose followed someone with a shiny necklace across the Temple District, Behamut District, and Castle District into the College of the Illuminated Mind
  • Rose talked her way in, talked to the Dean, found out about crystals, found a crystal she liked and tried to take it
  • Dean of the school took control of her body and frog marched her downstairs into a dungeon where her things were taken and she was locked up
  • Jax and Kutaku followed the wagon train. They noticed a high pitched tone and discovered it was an Erugwaithi elf swinging a whistle on a rope
  • Jax and Kutaku waved at the elf, called to him, and it got his attention and the elf left the rooftop
  • Jax and Kutaku went back toward the Temple District after Adarra caught up with them to tell them Rose was missing
  • They had already figured out what the wagon train was to do, so they went back to find Rose
  • Woofie helped guide them but only into the main road at first. Adarra summoned a wolf to help track. Between the two of them, they brought the party to the door of the College where Rose was. Adarra was asking for Rose, telling everyone she was wanted for crimes against humanity
  • Adarra and Jax went into the school and asked the Dean about Rose. Dean accomodated Adarra while threatening Jax because the Dean thought that Jax was grumpy and drunk gnome. This made Jax light a magic fire and threaten the guard if he tried to throw him out
  • Dean tried to cast a spell at Jax and Jax said it was "cute" when the spell failed
  • Rose arrives from the dungeon - Dean and Rose verbally spar until a crystal manifests itself in her hand. Adarra and she broke the old necklace that Adarra had given her and fit the crystal into it
  • Then the party went down the road to drop off the wagon and grabbed a cart
  • Jax sent a message to let them know that the wagon train was on the way and they planned on building a fort
  • As they left, they decided to go by the Wyld Stallion to see if they find anyone wearing a black robe. They found one and Adarra threw a stone at him, amazingly killing him instantly. She thought it was a Deep One, but it was just some guy. Guards rushed over to bystanders calling for them. A man rushed to the other man in the black robes and sobbed over him.
  • Adarra said that she was going to save him and ran him to the Temple of Sowila with many city guards and temple guards following
  • The high priestess of Sowila came out and talked to Adarra, saying she was concerned about her behavior. She Zone of Truthed Adarra and asked her questions, finally determining that Adarra was innocent enough and let her go.
  • as they left the Entertainment District out into the desert, they saw black smoke rising
  • Jax called to Jabindakuul to let him know what he was seeing. The dragon told them, save my nephews.
  • The party rushed to where the smoke was, which was at the center of Dol Londfolas. Erugwaithi elves were already in battle with the Behamut soldiers. Two juvenile blue dragons were netted and injured on the ground. Two wagons held ballistae that seemed to be used to capture the dragons
  • Adarra enthralled everyone there. Jax blew shit up with firebolts and flaming spheres. Kutaku and Woofie went to free the dragons. Toward the end of the battle, they freed the dragons. Rose sent arrows raining into the enemies.
  • The Behamut soldiers fell quickly between the party and the elves. Most of the rest of the battle was spent battling the Night-Gaunts.
  • Half of the elves were killed in the battle and all of the Night-Gaunts were eventually killed.
  • Where they stand now, the ERugwaithi elves that remain stand over the battle along the line of the ruins they were standing on. The blue dragons were laying on the ground still injured. Adarra was poisoned and sustained 5 points of strength damage.