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Previous: 2022-02-01

  • Jax was suffering from injuries when another four Behamut troops advanced. They heard the commotion coming from behind Jax and stopped short while the king's cavalary charged from behind him. They clashed with many Behamut troops dying. Jax dimension doored away to a tower 700 ft away where he could observe several cavalry units and foot units charging through the town.
  • Jax runs to tell Justice about the cavalry
  • Cavalry charged into the Behamut district and fight
  • Aysa training with Zoreaya (Rudy!)
  • Aysa also turned zombies when she threw open the door
  • Kutaku trained with the lance
  • Rose and Haleli are on top of the wall and kill two guards
  • Rose and Haleli duck down and wait for the fighting
  • they went to see where the zombies are
  • while looking over the wall to the village outside the wall and saw misty shapes seeming to hug people and they fall
  • they go to the castle and Haleli goes under the castle looking for zombies
  • Rose goes back to Jax and wakes him up to tell him the vampires
  • they go down and try to tell Justcie but justice tells them again to talk to the clerics
  • Jax goes in and talks to the clerics - cleric tells him its ghosts and blesses his crossbow and him
  • Jax left and goes back to Rose and gives her crossbow
  • Aysa goes meld with stone and catches up with them
  • Haleli figures out a way to get back to the top of the wall again
  • Rose, Jax, and Aysa go to rescue Haleli and get on top of the wall
  • Rose points out dead people and they check it out
  • Haleli listened to the descriptions and identified it as vampires
  • they go tell justice, he says talk to clerics, they tell clerics - they say it's a problem for another day
  • Adarra breaks off to find Kutaku
  • Adarra finds him, they go toward the street - full of fighting
  • Kutaku and his master charges through, killing deep ones, Sowila troops, and Behamut troops
  • Rose, Jax, and Haleli fight their way to the tower and go inside

Rumors/Seen in the Distance:

  • People have been seen in the streets packing wagons and heading out of the city
  • Ships sailed away, many of them carrying rich merchants away with their family and possessions
  • Ships that remained in port have been burned. Some ships have been stolen.
  • The palace district is seeing a growing force of mercenaries there to protect the large houses and families there
  • A winged creature was seen off in the distance, too far to see clearly, but maybe a dragon???
  • Rumors of large skeletal warriors are spreading - they are able to beat an entire city guard patrol single handedly
  • Looters have started taking care of the chaos, with some stealing carts, others looting houses