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Previous: 2022-03-14

  • Jax and Haleli leave the shadow dimension at Dol Londfolas
  • They see a clear figure in the shadow dimension as they are going through
  • they appear on the main road in front of Dol Londfolas to find Erugwaithi elves posted all over the ruins area
  • Jax filled in Haleli on their whole history with the hobwoses and the blue dragons
  • Jabindakul and the other blue dragons arrived and landed in front of Dol Londfolas. Erugwaithi equipped the dragons with riding gear and loaded onto their backs and flew off toward Ra'azum.
  • Adarra continues on with Sara in her arms to the temple district
  • She finds Justice and shows him Sara. Justice gets off his horse immediately and raises her from the dead.
  • Adarra casts bull strenght on herself and takes Sara and Justice both into the temple and drops them off in front of Bronwyn. She thanks her and Adarra leaves.
  • When she leaves temple, she sees the gates of the District of Behamut are stuffed with creatures fighting and arrows flying.
  • Rose hides on top of the wall, arrows flying in both directions overhead. She rolled over onto her stomach to find a place on the wall where there aren't arrows flying over to get down from the wall. When she went down, she was immediately set upon by 8 zombies. They attacked and she pulled herself back up the rope.
  • Kutaku moved to meet Woofie to the north of the Castle District with Woofie moving the same way. He was immediately set upon by 8 zombies.
  • Adarra spots Rose climbing up the wall to escape the zombies. Adarra casts obscuring mist where the zombies are.
  • In the grotto of the guardians, Jax and Haleli learn from the chieftain of the Hobwoses that the Erugwaithi have returned to Dol Londfolas and "the kingdom of Dol Londfolas may be on the rise!" They discussed the possibility of getting to the treasures in the grotto of the kings but they refused. Talking to the head Erugwaithi in charge, he also refused them access to the weapons.
  • Adarra disipates the mist allowing Rose to shoot down into the zombies. Adarra attacks the zombies from the ground. When they almost have the zombies defeated, a blue dragon ridden by an Erugwaithi descends on them and attacks.
  • Meanwhile, back in the Grotto of the Guardians, the head Erugwaithi tells Jax and Haleli they can follow the hobwoses that are moving through the tunnels. They follow through the tunnels and run across residential furniture, dwarven men, women, and children along with residents of Ra'azum. They push their way through, hearing about how they lost everything.
  • The ground shakes and the Mistress of the Teeming Loam rises from the District of Behamut. It sheds gibbering mouthers as it appears, and the gibbering mouthers burst through the gate, melting faces and causing many of the Temple of Sowila abandon the district. Many others stay to fight. Jax and Hilali ascend from the tunnels where the dwarves and other citizens are running out, fearing a cave in. They see the Mistress towering over the city. Rose and Adarra see the Mistress from very close as they are around the Temple of Sowila. Kutaku can see it from the Northern Harbor District.