Ra'azum Castle District

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South of: Ra'azum Elwindil Gate District
North of: Ra'azum South Harbor District
East of: Ra'azum Behamut Temple District
West of: Ra'azum Kasbah District

The Castle District rests on a hill overlooking the city and is where the castle housing the royal family can be found. The boulevards leading to the castle are lined with palaces of the gentry and rich traders. The College of the Illuminated Mind, University, and Academy of Magicks attract the best and the brightest to their halls.

The Elwindil highway turns into a magnificent, cobblestoned boulevard and runs past the Castle District from the Elwindil Gate District. Another main boulevard runs through the Castle District down through to the Entertainment District on the south of the city. This boulevard - Boulevard of Titans - runs through many of the districts.

The Academy has a teleporter that will take you directly to any district in the town. It is on a raised dais as are the others throughout town in the back of an inn, a store, etc. Magical locks on the portals.

Academy of Magicks

A collection of towers, each connected by cloisters, the Academy of Magicks is the largest school of its kind in Elwindil. Contained within the walls is a grand plaza with herb gardens running the perimeters, orbs and statues placed throughout, and a colorful stone plaza designed with a mosaic of magical beasts. All magic users can find studies in the Academy, but especially those wizards and magi who hone their powers through long study.